
All work for 106L will be submitted on Gradescope. This page includes guidelines, links, and instructions for submission.

  • Regarding due dates:

    • class worksheets are to be handed in by 11:59 pm on the Sunday of the week after they are assigned in class, while worksheet regrades are due by 11:59 pm on the Monday after assignments are returned; and
    • lab reports whose last in-class lab session occur on Thursday are due by 11:59 pm on the following Thursday.
    • Any exceptions will be noted in class, and all due dates are clearly indicated in Gradescope (where assignments will always be set due at midnight with late submissions accepted until noon the following day).
  • Once you have completed your work, you need to scan it to a PDF. You should use a document scanner app on your phone: Evernote Scannable on iOS (iPhone/iPad), or Genius scan on Android. Instructions for creating a PDF using these can be found here.

  • When logging into Gradescope, either use the ‘School Credentials’ button or log into Gradescope via Sakai.

  • After you’ve logged in, find the correct assignment in the Assignments area, and follow the instructions here. Most of the assignments in 106L will require you to assign questions to pages. If you do not do this, your work will not be graded until you fix it.

  • For initial submissions, graders will assign ‘good’, ’needs work’, or ‘missing’ to each question. They will also comment on your work. No points will be assigned. You will then use their comments to improve your work and resubmit.

  • Each assignment will have a separate resubmit Gradescope assignment.

  • After you resubmit, graders will grade each question out of one point. Once those are returned, you will get a ‘pass’ or ’no-pass’ on each assignment. You will get an email from me if you did not pass an assignment. Pass/no-passes will also be recorded in the Gradebook on Sakai.
