
This page contains a table which details our schedule for the course. The table includes links to class worksheets, lab worksheets, lab spreadsheets, additional practice problems, and external resources. In particular, suggested supplementary exercises from the textbook are listed under ‘Textbook Practice Problems’ and solutions to these textbook questions can be found on Sakai under ‘Resources’ -> ‘Textbook Solutions’.

DateTopicClass/Lab ResourcesTextbook Practice ProblemsExternal Resources
Week 1
Monday, August 29Worksheet 1: Review of 105L ConceptsWorksheets from 105L (Gradescope)
Tuesday, August 30Crash Course in Trigonometry Part IVideo Segment 1
Video Segment 2
Video Segment 3
Section 1.5
Exercises 38, 39
Trig and Right Triangles
Wednesday, August 31Worksheet 1: Review of 105L Concepts (continued)Worksheets from 105L (Gradescope)
Thursday, September 1Crash Course in Trigonometry Part IIVideo Segment 1
Video Segment 2
Section 1.5
Exercises 24-29
Friday, September 2Worksheet 2: Trigonometric Identities and Important Limits
Week 2
Monday, September 5Worksheet 3: Differentiating Trigonometric FunctionsSection 3.5
Exercises 3, 4, 12-14, 18, 19, 22, 32, 34, 42
Problems 57, 64
Tuesday, September 6Modeling with Trig FunctionsSpreadsheet
Geogebra Applet
Sinusoidal Models
Wednesday, September 7Worksheet 4: Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsSection 1.5
1-9, 30-34
Inverse Trig Functions
Thursday, September 8Modeling with Trig FunctionsSpreadsheet
Friday, September 9Worksheet 5: Differentiating Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsSection 3.6
Exercises 22, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 35, 39, 41, 44
Problems 51
Differentiating Inverse Trig Functions
Week 3
Monday, September 12Worksheet 6: Trig Related RatesSection 4.6
Exercises 8
Problems 52, 55
SYU 63
Trig Related Rates
Tuesday, September 13Newton’s Laws of Motion
Wednesday, September 14Worksheet 7: Position, Velocity and AccelerationSection 6.3
14, 21 (excl (f)), 29-33
Thursday, September 15Newton’s Laws of Motion
Friday, September 16Worksheet 8: Distance from VelocitySection 5.1
Exercises 5, 10-12, 14-20
Problems 37, 38, 39
Week 4
Monday, September 19Worksheet 9: Left- and Right-Hand SumsSection 5.1
Exercises 23, 24
SYU 45, 47
Section 5.2
Exercises 1-5
Problems 54
Riemann Sums
Tuesday, September 20Sums and Sigma NotationSigma Notation
Wednesday, September 21Worksheet 10: From Sums to IntegralsSection 5.2
Exercises 6-9
Problems 24, 34-36, 44, 55, 57
Definite Integral
Thursday, September 22Sums and Sigma NotationRiemann Sums with Sigma
Friday, September 23Big Assignment Help
Week 5
Monday, September 26Worksheet 11: Midpoint and Trapezoid SumsSection 7.5
Exercises 10, 12, 24, 28-31
SYU 53-54
Tuesday, September 27Riemann SumsSpreadsheet
Wednesday, September 28Riemann SumsSpreadsheet
Thursday, September 29Riemann SumsSpreadsheet
Friday, September 30Worksheet 12: Fundamental Theorem of CalculusSection 5.1
Problems 25, 34
SYU 48, 49
Section 5.2
27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 42
Section 6.2
Exercises 56-65
Problems 84
Week 6
Monday, October 3Worksheet 12: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (continued)Section 5.3
Exercises 1-8
Problems 17, 24-30
FTC I Proof
Tuesday, October 4Average Value of a Function
Wednesday, October 5Worksheet 13: Properties of Definite IntegralsSection 5.4
Exercises 1-5, 13, 15-19
Problems 35, 36, 38, 43a, 44, 48
Properties of Definite Integrals
Thursday, October 6Average Value of a Function
Friday, October 7Worksheet 14: Constructing AntiderivativesSection 6.2
Exercises 6-8, 10-13, 16-18, 21, 31, 32, 72-75
SYU 101, 102
Week 7
Monday, October 10Fall Break
Tuesday, October 11Fall Break
Wednesday, October 12Worksheet 15: Integration by SubstitutionSection 7.1
Exercises 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 15, 26, 28, 41, 42, 53, 65, 68, 79, 80
Problems 90-92
Integration by Substitution
Thursday, October 13Quantities of Varying DensitySpreadsheet
Friday, October 14Worksheet 16: Integration by PartsSection 7.2
Exercises 2-7, 11, 13, 24, 32, 41, 46
Problems 74, 76
Integration By Parts
Week 8
Monday, October 17Worksheet 17: Integration PracticeAny of the integrals in 7.1 or 7.2
Tuesday, October 18Quantities of Varying DensitySpreadsheet
Wednesday, October 19Worksheet 17: Antidifferentiation Practice (continued)Any of the integrals in 7.1 or 7.2
Thursday, October 20Quantities of Varying DensitySpreadsheet
Friday, October 21Worksheet 18: Integrating to InfinitySection 7.6
Exercises 1a, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 21, 26, 27, 31, 33, 35
Problems 42
Improper Integrals
Week 9
Monday, October 24Big Assignment Help
Tuesday, October 25Visibility lab
Wednesday, October 26Worksheet 19: Other Improper IntegralsSection 7.6
1b, 7, 17-20, 28, 30, 36, 39
Section 7.7
Exercises 10-13
Problems 31, 35
Thursday, October 27Visibility lab
Friday, October 28Worksheet 20: FTC IISection 6.4
Exercises 4, 7-15, 22, 24
Problems 26, 34-36
Week 10
Monday, October 31Worksheet 21: Intro to Differential EquationsSection 11.1
Exercises 8, 13, 14
Problems 24, 25, 29, 31, 35-38 Section 11.7
Intro to Differential Equations
Tuesday, November 1Visibility lab
Wednesday, November 2Worksheet 21: Intro to Differential Equations (continued)
Thursday, November 3Visibility lab
Friday, November 4Worksheet 22: Slope Fields and EquilibriaSection 11.2
Exercises 4, 6, 11, 12
Problems 19, 20-23, 30
Slope Fields
Week 11
Monday, November 7Worksheet 22: Slope Fields and Equilibria (continued)Section 11.5
Exercises 3, 4, 8a,c,d, 20-22
SYU 45, 46, 49, 50
Tuesday, November 8Playing with Differential EquationsGeogebra Applet
Wednesday, November 9Worksheet 23: Separation of VariablesSection 11.4
Exercises 1, 7, 9, 10, 17, 22, 24-30
Problems 42
Separation of Variables
Thursday, November 10Playing with Differential EquationsGeogebra Applet
Friday, November 11Worksheet 23: Separation of Variables (continued)Section 11.4
Exercises 11, 12, 18-20
Problems 38-41, 43, 45
Week 12
Monday, November 14Worksheet 24: Growth and DecaySection 11.5
Exercises 1, 2, 4
Problems 34, 37, 41, 44
Exponential Models
Tuesday, November 15Euler’s MethodSpreadsheetEuler’s Method
Wednesday, November 16Worksheet 25: Heating and Mixing ISection 11.5
Exercises 7, 8, 10-12
Problems 39, 40
SYU 47
Section 11.6
Newton’s Law of Cooling
Thursday, November 17Euler’s MethodSpreadsheetSection 11.3
Exercises 8, 9
Problems 14, 17
Friday, November 18Worksheet 25: Heating and Mixing I (continued)
Week 13
Monday, November 21Worksheet 26: Applications: Heating and Mixing II
Tuesday, November 22Chemical Rates
Wednesday, November 23Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 24Thanksgiving Break
Friday, November 25Thanksgiving Break
Week 14
Monday, November 28Worksheet 27: The Logistic Model for PopulationSection 11.7
Exercises 9-16
Problems 31, 33a,b, 34
SYU 43, 44, 49, 51
The Logistic Model
Tuesday, November 29Chemical Rates
Wednesday, November 30Worksheet 27: The Logistic Model for Population (continued)
Thursday, December 1Logistic Model with Harvesting: Fishery ManagementGeogebra Applet
Friday, December 2Big Assignment Help
Week 15
Monday, December 5Worksheet 28: Populations Models with MigrationSection 11.6
6, 10-13, 35
Section 11.7
Tuesday, December 6Logistic Model with Harvesting: Fishery ManagementGeogebra Applet
Wednesday, December 7Worksheet 29: The Logistic Model – ApplicationsSection 11.7
Thursday, December 8Logistic Model with Harvesting: Fishery Management
Friday, December 9Worksheet 29: The Logistic Model – Applications (continued)